Pokemon Concept
At the time, pokemon ever became the biggest-selling video game of the world's number two, under Mario Series (Nintendo). I have the same beliefs about the game if it is implemented similar to the device gadgets such as Blackberry or Android. With the ability of these gadgets that should have more features than the features of the Nintendo (in those days) alone. By applying the concepts that are similar to pokemon, with the added strength of his own gadgets, such as communication skills, location base services to automatically determine the location of the player, accelerometer, etc., we can apply the RPG game which is closer to social games (which many people could mutually interact, in the form of friendship or confrontation) and can helps groups based on geographic location.
Pokemon concept is simple:
* In the beginning, players will be asked to choose a starter Pokemon. That is, at the beginning of the game, a player will only have one pokemon and equipped with several grains of pokeball that can be used to get some other pokemon.
* Players collect as many possible types, characteristics and photos into the catalog pokemon named Pokédex. Pokédex is important to organize a strategy when going against other pokemon-pokemon. With the Pokédex, a player can know what type of pokemon will be resisted, and thus can choose the right pokemon to face the enemy. General election based on the type of pokemon, pokemon be to face the fire, then the player will choose the water pokemon (because the water beat fire).
* Exercising some (tail?) Pokemon in a team to become a solid team and invincible
* Complain collection of pokemon with other players in battles that are not lethal
* Players can catch the wild pokemon (pokemon that is not the owner) and store it in a Pokeball
* Pokemon who wins will get increased stats (speed, attack power, and "life")
* After the battle, Pokemon can gain new abilities in accordance with its type
* Pokemon are grouped into several types / characteristics, namely fire, water, insects, soil, psycic, etc.. Type / nature of the capabilities of this determining what can be owned by a pokemon. This is actually the same implementation as in a card game or a suit. Water beat the heat. Fire beat wood. Wood beat the ground, and so on. Defeated and defeated the concept of this round, and each type / nature definitely defeated by a single type / other properties
* Improved statistics, in particular value will cause a pokemon to level up. This is the default implementation of the RPG type game, that is level.
* Increased level on a particular value will cause a metamorphosis / evolution (which are optional). This makes the game more interesting, because the player's curiosity about what form of evolution and the ability of certain pokemon can be interesting information.
* In the pokemon games, players can fight against: wild pokemon, other players or the Non-Player Character, which is generally located in the Gym-Gym and led by the Gym Leader. In the original game there are eight Gym Leaders, each of which represent the kind / type of pokemon. This is actually the implementation stage in the RPG in general.
* At higher levels, players will fight Ellite Trainer, a kind of NPC with a great ability. If a player is able to defeat this Ellite Trainer, then the player worthy of the name Pokemon Master.
* On his journey, pokemon games many times at-release. Every time a new release will introduce new species. With the addition of this new species, players will be more interested to know the shape and character of those species and save them into the catalog.
* The player down the world to find the pokemon. Pokemon can be found anywhere in the world of fiction pokemon.
* In the world of pokemon allows double type, meaning that one pokemon has two types. For example the type of wood is also the type of insect. Because the wood and insects receive a second time of the fire damage, then the pokemon of the type of wood and the insects will get 4 times damage from a fire type pokemon. This also applies to resilience.
Every pokemon has the stats that affect their performance in battle. Stats include the following:
* HP / hit points. Pokemon will be lost when his cell phone valued at 0. HP can direcover the Pokemon Center. Pokemon never die in battle.
* Attack. Attack menentikan the damage produced by phisical attacks.
* Special Attack. This determines the amount of damage produced by the pokemon's special attack (such as elemental or other special attacks).
* Defense. Defence determine ability to withstand physical attack.
* Special Defence. Determine ability to withstand elemental attacks.
* Speed. Speed will determine who attacked first. At the beginning of the battle, the second speed pokemon will be compared and the results will determine who attacked first.
* Accuracy. Accuracy determines the percentage of success of an attack. Accuracy value is fixed and does not increase with increasing level.
* Evasiveness. Evasiveness is the ability to escape from attack.
Value Base Stats
Every pokemon in the beginning to have the basic stats that will increase each time the level increases. Base stats are different for each species, but the same for every pokemon in one species.
Experience and Effort Values
Each battle will result in Exp. In addition to producing Exp, every pokemon that will provide at least one loses to the pokemon EV winner. Some items such as vitamins will increase the rating / EV amount received when the pokemon to win pertempurang, while some other items such as berries can increase the loyalty, but decrease EV.
Pokemon Natures
Every pokemon has a nature that randomly generated and can not be changed. There are 25 kinds of nature. 20 of them will increase the growth rate but a lower growth rate stats the other stats. Increase the growth rate of five other one does not affect the growth stats and other stats.
* Recovery items. Point to restore the state of pokemon, such as HP or situation because certain securities such as paralized or burned. These items can be obtained when fighting with other players.
* Hidden Machine and Technical Machine. Both types of machines can be used to teach the technique (stance), new to the pokemon instantly (without having to go through the battle). TM and HM can be found in the wild or in stores. Each TM can only be used one time by each player, while the HM can be used multiple times after the players get a badge from the Gym Leader. HM is very rare while the TM more can be found in the game.
* Key items. Key items are items provided to get or do something, such as hooks (fishing equipment) used to capture pokemon swimmer, bike to be able to run faster (more in one occasion).
* Holding items. This item is not carried by a player, but by a pokemon, so it can be used when the pokemon in battle. Existing items to restore the value of items such as HP or evolve or improve the defense.
Pokemon trades, breeding
That's where she cried. Buying and selling pokemon. Existing Pokemon in one version do not necessarily exist in other versions. So was the starter pokemon, starter pokemon of each version is different. Getting another starter Pokemon is almost impossible can be done by a player. Meanwhile, the concept of pokemon game is Catch 'em All (catch all), then there must be a way possible to obtain pokemon that is not obtainable from the bush. Therefore, a mechanism is needed to get it. This is where new gaming business with the same scheme could be created.
Pokemon game that mimics the scheme can get a donation from the mechanism to sell pokemon. Pokemon usually sold at cheaper price (but recommended while rare pokemon can be sold at a price which is very expensive. Pokemon rare species like the shiny pokemon (pokemon species is common but it has a brilliant color and hard to find) can also be traded.
Other businesses are pokemon breeding, where more senior players will spawn pokemon's more junior players so they can get pokemon eggs. For this service, junior players will need to give some money to the senior players who spawn pokemonnya. This process can also be done by the NPC. Uniquely, the pokemon from one species to another species of origin were mated dg compatible, resulting in another species or species with species of the same parents.
Pokemon contest could be held dg jury to apply the other players.
Moves is the ability, can typically be used when in combat, and certain moves can also be used by players. Consisting of:
1. Learned moves, is a natural ability who gained since birth
2. Inherited moves, who is the ability or the experience gained from the results of the TM
3. Hereditary moves, gained from the ability of parents
BY pokemon master